Avant Garde Diaries: Bompas & Parr
Avant Garde Diaries
Bompas & Parr - Melt peoples’ brains
Whether you call them food artists or mad scientists is a matter of semantics when it comes to Sam Bompas and Harry Parr. For the past five years, these two British masterminds behind the aptly named Bompas & Parr have been cooking and creating jelly, then melding and molding it into various shapes, in an experiment that is one part science, one part culinary, and one part design. And it doesn’t end there; the two undertook the task of building a miniature golf course in the shape of London landmarks and consisting of cake. Fusing together the conventional and the unlikely, these two prove that the avant-garde consists of—for them—architecture, demolition science, performance, physics, and lots and lots of jelly. For a glimpse at what’s to come at the Mercedes Drive-thru project in London from Sept 14-16, check out the video above.