Smith Westerns, Magnet Club, 9pm
It has been four years since lo-fi indie rock outfit, the Smith Westerns, released its self-titled debut, a 30-minute, 10-track album that was filled with warm, buzzy tunes and endearing lyrics penned by barely legal boys.
Two years later and they came out with Dye It Blonde, an album utilising familiar styles and motifs, albeit with cleaner production and a bit more life experience.
And now – another two years down the road – comes full-length number three: Soft Will, created again with producer Chris Coady (Beach House, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Grizzly Bear) at the helm. The trademark throwback sound is there, as is the same naive earnestness too. In fact, though the band has developed over the years, it never treads too far away from what it knows best, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Natalye Childress
Magnet Club, Falckensteinstraße 48, 10997 Berlin; 030 44 00 81 40; U: Schlesisches Tor; admission: €11.