Berlin: Be Our Valentine?
Cycling City
“It wasn’t until I got a bike that I first got to know Berlin. For the months before that, she was the mistress who swept me off my feet, compelling me to move one-third of the way around the world on a whim. She exuded a rough charm, and her quirky charisma captivated me. But we were still strangers in a sense, until I began to bike her streets. Once I started exploring on two wheels, I saw a side of Berlin I hadn’t been exposed to before. With walking, you are often limited by how fast and far you can travel, and with public transportation, the city can feel disconnected when you go underground at one place and “pop up” in an entirely different one, not knowing what ground you covered in between. But when you ride a bike around Berlin, suddenly it makes sense, the streets connecting like synapses in the brain. And it confirms that your hunch was correct–Berlin truly is an intoxicating, diverse, and irresistible place.” Natalye Childress